Photography & Pheelings 05.09.2019

My apologies for missing the past few posts with school wrapping up quickly and deadlines coming up this have been quite chaotic. Over the years of life, you’ll see many things change. People come and go; identities and mentalities shift over time.

The current topic of this “photography phriday” is to able to capture the things I remember most despite changes that happened from losing lost one to moving and figuring things out on my own. For one school was always there. Whether it made this better or worst it was something that was present; occupying life as a temporal chamber of the social interactions and learning experiences. A window to how you as a teenager interact with seemingly hundreds of people per day. Where time beings to jump around an expectation of an adult begin to cement while you are still very much a kid on the inside simply learning about life itself.

CSULA Olympus em1 mark 11 adapted ef tokina 12-28 f4 @ 10mm f9

The teenager disposition of life creates this disconnection where a child growing up may need to learn on their own through; Therefore, having their own personal experience, yet at this point, they still have to ask permission to hang out with friends. A strange place of life limbo. Nevertheless, the aspects of education were always around me as much as friends were. To this day I still keep into regular contact with my childhood friends. All thanks to the education system.

Yet the part that throws me off is people, especially older people, believe that education is the only thing in life that will get you anywhere. I grew up in a family that had the equivalent of an associates degree. Meanwhile, here I am deciding to pursue my Master’s degree. Part of me wants to think I am doing for me, but the other part feels like it is because of everyone around my superiors are inundating me with the beliefs that life will all be better with a higher degree. So then what is it?!

Sure that statistics show that people with higher degrees make more money and have a better life. That’s great and all, but does that include things like loan payments, missing social aspects of life, overstressing yourself, or anything else of that nature? Again, I am fine with higher education; I chose to go myself, but the parts I don’t understand is why people believe some people to keep going when it is not their things. The fact of the matter is some people do not flow with school life and this is understandable; The problem is other people forcing them to go. Here is what irks me. Students, especially those right out of high school are usually told to go to college without actually preparing or wanting to go to college.

Olympus Em1 mark ii adapted EF tokina 12-28 @ 10mm F5.6

This leaves them meandering through the college system with no idea what to do. So they end up taking space, wasting time in the college system, and using resources. I believe if they want to go to college than they would take the steps to do so as many do. Also, it seems that parents or guardian figures try to up play college as an all cure to solve problems. IT IS NOT!! I am a firm believer the people decided what they do, if they figure out they want to go to college later that’s fine.

My belief is that micromanaging someone’s life does not get them anywhere as they become dependent on someone else to control it, and once it is in their own hand they don’t know what to do.

Em1 mark ii EF tokina 12-28 @ 13mm f5.6

Think of it like a person growing up very sheltered. Yes, they are “protected” from the real world, but at the end of the day, we live in the real world. Therefore, at some point, they are going to have to deal with all of it. Similar story with the school. Parents want their child to be successful. However, forcing them to go to college is not the approach that should be taken. Rather giving them the option or a choice, not ultimatums, is probably the better choice. As then they are choosing the path for themselves for their own future. Does it sound selfish? a tiny bit, then again it is your life so YOU choose and YOU take the repercussions.

Em1 Mark ii Ef Tokina 12-28 @ 10mm f2.8
Em1 mark ii tokina 12-28 @13mm F8