02.14.2020 Friends and Friday

Happy Valentine’s Day/Singles Awareness Friday everyone!

In the last post, I introduced my coworker that is a weeb..alright there are two weebs plus me AND its amazing.

We have something called “ coming up for air” which essentially means after a long time of sitting one of use will stand up and start talking about random nonsense. Honestly, those kinds of interactions help to make the day go by a little faster. We all work in our cubicles #officelife in the accounting department so things get dry pretty fast.

However, our moments of anime convos it much more memorable despite the craze of number crunching. One of my coworkers is a tall 6 something thicc boi that does cosplay ever summer. He, we’ll call him Boss, is Hawaiian and had a rather unfortunate past of having to go through the foster care system. Despite his shortcomings, he was able to navigate life, get married and works in the same corner as us weebs. Technically he would be my and “we’ll call the other coworker” Rosie’s, senpai since he has been with the company for 10 years!

Also because he does cosplay over the summer he likes to be fit!.. for 6 months of the year. The other half he says ” I eat whatever I want and be gross”. On top of that, he also does physical therapy and ever since someone has brought up leg problems he has been making everyone do squats for 15 mins during break..yay..

It nice to be able to talk to people similar to you every so often even if they sometimes get carried away by talking too much anime while you are doing your work. But yeah I find it super amusing that when each of us uses our stereotypical weeb speak like “ is everything daijobou?” and with the response of “ no everything is NOT diajobou! The numbers are wack!” or when coworkers as about pokemon and what would be a good team or recent animes.. I said Inspieces Reviews because I technically watched it last for research #ThoseNerdsOverThere @ https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/those-nerds-over-there and feeling intense judgment only to elaborate on what the anime is about.. spoiler its yelp for species.

This crew of people is one of the most relatable and cool groups I have worked with! Its nice to know my life is slowly shifting to something more..even if it is just the beginning of my own journey

Dates are nice…now how do I proceed without seeming weird?